Our courses have been designed with the view that each pupil has an individual need and learning style. Therefore while there may be a particular course that you have in mind we can also tailor one to suit just you! Below you will find a list of courses available, however please bear in mind that this list is by no means comprehensive or exaustive, therefore please feel free to contact us at any time to discuss your driving needs, we can then recommend the course most suitable for you!
Pay as you learn This course simply does what it says! You pay for each hours tuition individually. This method is particuraly suitable for beginniners who wish to make sure that they are happy with their instructor and car before comitting to booking some lessons in advance which means they can avail of a discounted rate of pay, Also suitable for those nearning test standard or trhose who wish to take some refresher lessons.
Block Booking Perhaps the most popular method of paying! Simply by paying upfront in advance for a course of 10 lessons will save you per hour. To avail of this offer lesssons can be booked in blocks of 10 / 20 or 30 hours, blocks of other amounts can be designed with you in mind!
Intensive Courses An intensive course is rapidly becoming the NO1 choice among learner drivers. This is for various reasons e.g Lifestyle, Work commitments, family life, time limits etc. Our instructors specialise in intensive courses and can ensure you that whilst your time in the car is condenced into a shorter time frame you will still receive the same level of tution as you would if you were learning to drive over a longer period of time. Our intensive courses are specifically designed around individual needs and therefore we would need to find out more about previous experience if any, any time restrtaints that you may have, and whether or not you have passed your theory test. Please contact to discuss your intensive course needs and for an individual quote.
Guarantee Pass Courses We are the only driving school to offer this coures.Call for details
Pass Plus A optional course to complete when you pass your driving test. By taking this course you can save £££'s on the price of your car insurance. Our pass plus course is currently £150.00